What input is recommended from the output from the TNT calculator?
After a client completes the TNT calculator how do we determine what input for IFLM is appropriate for a given set of results.
Here are the recommended mappings for the TNT calculator. This information can be used to help determine what input to provide when producing an illustration. The two factors are mutually exclusive. A client may have a "Low" need for guaranteed income and a "Conservative" strategy recommended
Guaranteed Income Indicator Results:
A score of 7-12 --> The recommended allocation for guaranteed retirement income is 50%
A score of 13-22--> The recommended allocation for guaranteed retirement income is 25%
A score of 23-28 --> The recommended allocation for guaranteed retirement income is 0%
Risk Tolerance Indicator Results Mapping
A score of 6-10 --> Based on your Risk Tolerance Indicator score a "Conservative" strategy is recommended
A score of 11-19--> Based on your Risk Tolerance Indicator score a "Intermediate" strategy is recommended
A score of 20-24--> Based on your Risk Tolerance Indicator score a "Standard" strategy is recommended
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