Your bucket strategy implies that in 25 years, your OLD client is now 90%+ invested in aggressive equities. 0 votes 1 comment -
Does the "flooring" ROR of 5% mean 5% withdrawal rate, or an actual 5% ROR? 0 votes 1 comment -
Help me understand how taxes are addressed in these calculations. 0 votes 1 comment -
Is the Model able to pull in Social Security information? 0 votes 1 comment -
Can actually results be tracked through The Income For Life Model? 0 votes 1 comment -
What license is required to use The Income For Life Model? 0 votes 1 comment -
Are you approved to be used across multiple BDs? 0 votes 1 comment -
If I was a potential investor, how would I end up as a prospect for you? 0 votes 1 comment -
Has the IFLM Power Point been updated? 0 votes 1 comment -
How does the model adjust at the end of each segment? 0 votes 1 comment -
Is the bucket strategy concept oriented? Or does the system allow us to plug in specific products? 0 votes 1 comment -
Can advisors modify rate of return assumptions? 0 votes 1 comment -
Can we have our own current domain name, or is it a Retirement Time/myname only ip? 0 votes 1 comment -
How do I cancel W2K? 0 votes 0 comments -
Income illustration 0 votes 0 comments -
How do I tell the Model what segment I want the GMWB to start in? 0 votes 0 comments -
Yearly income streams 0 votes 0 comments -
How do I remove the spouse? 0 votes 0 comments -
Is there any consideration given to Qual or non/qual assets and taxation coming out? -1 votes 0 comments -
Are there any plans to have the IFLM distributions increase annually with the assumed inflation vs. on a segment by segment basis? 0 votes 0 comments -
Is there a way to assume funding the buckets today with contributions going to a specific bucket? 0 votes 0 comments -
How are advisors introducing this to cliients? 4 votes 0 comments -
Are you creating an App so the IFLM Movie can play on an iPad? 3 votes 0 comments -
Who checks your calculations and how are they checked? 0 votes 0 comments -
Do RIAs charge planning fees for using The Income For Life Model? 0 votes 0 comments -
Do broker/dealer partnerships have this tool availible? 0 votes 0 comments -
What type of investment will yield the 10 or 12% yields? 0 votes 0 comments -
Does the floor include EIA annuities with the newer Income Riders? 0 votes 0 comments -
What camera ready artwork do you have if any? 0 votes 0 comments -
Can you mention a few of the marketing strategies successful advisors are using. Seminars, mailings etc? 0 votes 0 comments