Seminar-for-One™ is a power feature of Retirement Time and a wonderfully effective way to educate prospects and secure new sales. Start an email marketing campaign. Begin to email your existing clients plus any prospect lists you may have and send the link to your Retirement Time website to your target audience. In the copy of the email suggest that people visit the website and watch the movie that aligns with your marketing campaign. For example, if you are interested in attracting Rollover IRA assets, suggest that people watch “The Rollover IRA: Understanding Your Options.”
Guaranteed lifetime retirement income is a “hot” topic. Your Retirement Time website includes an innovative, interactive application that helps investors assess their need for guaranteed retirement income. The TNT- Retirement Income Indicator can be incredibly effective in helping prospects understand that you “get it” when it comes to proper retirement income planning. Accordingly, recommend to as many people as possible that they try the “TNT” assessment process.
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